
CAIConsulting is not only a network of local offices throughout Central Asia, but it is also a highly motivated and dedicated professionals who provide advisory services to our valued clients outside depending on where they come from and who they are.

CAIConsulting always acts in the interests of the country in which it operates. Clearly what works in one country, not will definitely work in another country (we do not do “simple blind copying” in any case experience), because the each country has its own specifics. That is why the main principle of the CAIConsulting team is “Think globally - act locally. This means that we always offer the best international and local specialists and verified quality of services for our clients who work or are ready to work in the Central Asian region.

CAIConsulting also has an extensive database of high quality experts in every industry and each country, and we strive to be a Center of Excellence and Excellence, providing the governments of the Central Asia and private companies the best international and local experience, as well as leading experts to improve their activities, features and services.